“This work is about love of self, of humanity, of history. There is another way. Hay otra forma.”

— Leticia Peguero

Otra Forma Coaching

So often, professional development is viewed from a one dimensional lens. Our body, mind and spirit cannot be separated from each other, therefore, the way we approach professional development must be holistic and acknowledge us as the complex beings that we are. 

Otra Forma is literally another way to approach the art of professional coaching. I can help you gain a bird’s eye view so that you not only gain a professional coach but a “whole life coach.” Bringing our whole selves to the process is especially important for women and people of color, as our bodies have historically been objectified and otherized. Being aware of how all the “isms” impact our careers and lives is an important step to breaking down the barriers that affect our leadership. By placing race, equity, gender and power at the forefront of our coaching process, we can all thrive. 

I believe that a more just world is possible when we center equity and courageous transformation in our work and in our lives. Our collective success is deeply connected to our personal liberation and individual freedom. Hay otra forma.

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